fly to earn

Fly your drone, collect imagery, earn rewards
the first platform of its kind to reward drone pilots for collecting high resolution Earth imagery

Collect Imagery, Earn Rewards, Help the Planet

If you need to monitor, analyze, or track physical infrastructure, buildings, or resources, we can help.
Would your app or platform benefit from accessing ultra-high resolution, frequently updated Earth imagery?
Data Partners
Would your clients benefit from accessing our imagery?

We're collecting Earth's most important data, for better decision making by all

easy to join with your mavic mini

Take missions
F2E is a new proof-of-physical work incentive model where drone owners can fly missions, collect imagery, and earn rewards
Earn Rewards
Using our app, you can earn rewards for collecting aerial imagery with your drone
Join The Mission
Every time you contribute data, you're helping organizations of all sizes make better decisions that in turn will help the planet

fly with us

Become a part of the team pioneering in new industry
get started
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Order data

Start making better decisions with our data. Get in touch to discuss your project today
Let’s discuss your project